Ingenuity My Size Potty Pro - by Ingenuity
My Size Potty Pro - by Ingenuity
C$40.00 CAD

My Size Potty Pro - by Ingenuity

40.00 Excl. tax

Designed to look and feel like a real adult toilet, the My Size Potty Pro is a toddler floor potty that helps to ensure a comfortable and confident progression to the real thing.

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Product description

Potty training is easier (and more fun) with the Summer by Ingenuity My Size Potty Pro.

The chrome-style toddler potty handle makes a realistic flushing sound that rewards your little one for a job well done.

The removable potty topper can be used as a toddler toilet seat on an adult toilet to help your toddler become a potty training pro.

A built-in storage compartment is spacious enough to hold books, a tablet, wipes, and anything else your little one needs to promote healthy habits during the potty training process.

With a removable bowl and integrated splash guard, the My Size Potty Pro is easy to clean – perfect for all of toilet training’s messy moments.

The assembled dimensions are 10.5 x 15.25 x 11.65 inches.

Includes 2 AAA batteries.

For children ages 18 months and up, with maximum weight of 50 pounds.

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